Hey there! 

I’m Laurie "LB" Best—a six-figure author who left the corporate grind to chase my dream of writing stories. Since then, I’ve written and published over 45 books (still can’t believe it sometimes!). But you know what? The best part of this journey hasn’t been seeing my books on shelves—it’s been helping other writers bring their stories to life.


Here’s a little about me

So, here’s a little about me. When I first started writing, I had no clue what I was doing. I made all the mistakes—like, all of them. But I was determined to figure it out. I studied, failed, tried again, and eventually cracked the code on what it takes to successfully write, publish, and actually sell a book.

Now, I spend my time coaching and cheering on writers like you. Whether it’s tackling writer’s block, turning an idea into a polished manuscript, or figuring out how to market your book, I want you to know that you’re not alone in this.

My Why

If you’re doing this because you think you’re going to instantly get rich, let me save you some heartache—you’re in the wrong industry. Writing is a labor of love. It’s about the stories that won’t let go of you until you tell them, the characters who demand to be heard, and the chance to inspire or encourage someone who needs your words.

When I started, my goal wasn’t about money or fame. I told myself, If my book changes the life of one child or gets one child to fall in love with reading, I will have accomplished my mission.

I even placed a sticky note on my computer that read, “One day I will be someone’s favorite author.”

And you know what? Now I am. I receive emails every week from readers who tell me how my stories have touched them. It’s humbling and beautiful.

One day, you will be someone’s favorite author too. Keep writing, not for instant rewards, but because your words have the power to make a difference.

"I couldn't have asked for a better collaborator for my first book!"

- Jessica Lewis

"Simply Amazing!! Loved every session we had together,I learned so much in the 6 weeks we had together. This program has to one of the best opportunities I had ever received."

- Hikmat Balogun

"LB held my hand through the entire process, educated me on what I did wrong the first time, and showed me how to fix it. "

- Kamia Hayes

New authors,

I remember what it felt like to dream about writing a book but have no idea where to start. I remember the doubt, the overwhelm, and the late nights wondering if my stories were good enough.

That’s why I’m here—to make the process a little easier for you. I want to share what I’ve learned, so you can skip some of the headaches I went through and get your stories out into the world. Because your voice matters, and your stories deserve to be told.